Dear Mr. Yang:
After the Judge’s Committee of the Chinese International Photography Competition reviewed your photo, we are pleased to inform you that your works conform to the mission and requirement of this competition, and you are qualified to enter the final competition. Congratulations!  
 「全世界華人攝影作品大獎賽」是由新唐人電視台主辦的。總部設在紐約市的新唐人電視台是一家全球性的非盈利中英文電視网,它已經成功地組織了連續五屆的全球華人新年晚會。本次大賽的目的是為促進在世界各地的愛好攝影的華人間的文化藝術交流,追溯中華民族內涵豐富的藝術思維;崇尚藝術作品表現善意、表現美好、表現光明、表現自然狀態, 恢復傳統美學的形式理念。
The Chinese International Photography Competition is hosted by New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), a leading Chinese and English language non-profit television network headquartered in New York City, and the organizer of the Global Chinese New Year Spectacular (Gala) for the past five years. This competition carries the mission of promoting artistic works portraying intrinsic reality with implications of compassion, gracefulness, righteousness, as well as to revive age-old Chinese aesthetic conceptions.
本信可以作為您進入美國的正式邀請函,以便您參加將在著名的「美國烏克蘭研究院」(Ukrainian Institute of America)舉辦的新唐人電視台首屆「全世界華人攝影作品大獎賽」的作品展覽和頒獎典禮,地址是 2 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10075。預訂酒店為座落于新澤西州錫考克斯市的 Meadowlands Plaza Hotel (40 Wood Ave., Secaucus, NJ 07094) 。此邀請函只是為選手來美短期參賽所用,新唐人電視台與參賽選手無任何僱用或合同關係。
This letter serves as a formal invitation to apply for a travel credentials for entering the United States for the exhibition and the award ceremony, which will be held at the renowned Ukrainian Institute of America (2 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10075). The hotel you will be staying during the competition is the Meadowlands Plaza Hotel in New Jersey (40 Wood Ave., Secaucus, NJ 07094). This invitation is strictly used for participating in the Chinese International Photography Competition only; there is no employment or contractual relationship between you and NTDTV.
Please look for details on the transportation and hotel arrangements in the next mail shortly.
Should you have any questions, we will be more than happy to assist you. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further assistance.
We look forward to meeting with you and we wish you the best of luck!
Sincerely yours,
附錄一 (Appendix 1):大賽日程安排(Competition Schedule
20081210日(周三):參賽選手抵達紐約。12/10/2008 (Wed): All contestants arrive at New York.
20081211日(周四):12/11/2008 (Thu):
在「美國烏克蘭研究院」(Ukrainian Institute of America)展出入圍決賽作品。
 Exhibition of photos from finalists at the famous Ukrainian Institute of America.
上午8 – 9點選手參加在Meadowlands Plaza Hotel舉辦的「選手報到及大賽介紹會」。
     Attend the “Registration and Orientation” session from 8 - 9AM at the Meadowlands Plaza Hotel.
上午10點 –下午5點在大賽工作人員陪同下參觀著名的紐約「大都會藝術博物館」。   
 Visit the world-renowned Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York from 10AM - 5PM.
20081212日(周五):12/12/2008 (Fri):
在「美國烏克蘭研究院」(Ukrainian Institute of America)展出入圍決賽作品。
   Exhibition of paintings from all finalists at the famous Ukrainian Institute of America.
   Contestants see the exhibition and learn among from discussion.
   “Award Ceremony” of the NTDTV’s Chinese International Photography Competition in the     afternoon.
     “Press Conference” and “Cocktail Party”
20081213日(周六):參加由大賽組委會安排的「紐約一日遊」或自由活動。12/13/2008 (Sat): Join the “NYC 1-Day Tour” arranged by the Organization Committee or self activities. 
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